OPAL's Board Members

Dr Jonathan Lord


Jonathan has been an OPAL board member for over 20 years and is currently Chairman of the organisation.

Jonathan’s background is in HRM working as a HR Director, consultant and lecturing in employment law. He has a Doctorate researching labour law as well as a B.A. (Hons) and MA, both in HRM. He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Jonathan believes that OPAL has an important role to play in supporting people with learning disabilities and hopes that OPAL continues to make a difference in people’s lives.

Jane Pickering


Jane joined the Board as Treasurer in 2018 after retiring from her role as a community accountant and development worker in the voluntary sector, where she enjoyed supporting OPAL’s fantastic work. She brings to the Board her experience working with small charities on their accountancy, fundraising and related governance issues. 

Les Coop


Les is a professional town planner and formerly Director of Environmental Services for Oldham Council. He has been privileged to be a trustee of OPAL for over eleven years and brings to the Board his experience of local government, administration and finance, as well as his work for other charities. He is delighted to see how OPAL continues to develop the services it provides and wishes it well for the future. 

Joanna Haigh



Veronica Royle


Veronica was employed by OPAL in 1994 as Advocacy Co-ordinator. She had the opportunity to work on several projects supporting volunteers and people with learning disabilities mainly experiencing ‘the world of work’. After she retired twenty years ago, she was delighted to join OPAL as a trustee.


Cynthia Blythe


Initially, Cynthia was invited to join OPAL’s Board of Trustees for one year. Twenty years later, she remains a valuable member.


Camilla Guereca
